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ranscultural Fandom and the Globalizatio
Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age o
Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Ma
he Evolution of Tiger Management: Korean


2024: 'I Was Probably Korean in a Previous Life’: Transracial Jokes and Fantasies of Hallyu Fans. In Korean Pop Culture beyond Asia: Race and Reception. Edited by David C. Oh and Benjamin Min Han. University of Washington Press, pp. 171-193.


2023: Ex-periphery: South Korea’s Position vis-à-vis the Global Society. In Korea and the Global Society: Engagement and Reciprocity. Edited by Yonson Ahn. London: Routledge, pp. 59-76. doi: 10.4324/9781003301127-5

2019: Fan Entrepreneurship: Fandom, Agency, and the Marketing of Hallyu in Israel. In Transcultural Fandom and the Globalization of Hallyu. Edited by Park Gil-Sung, N. Otmazgin and K. Howard. Seoul: Korea University Press, pp. 155-179 (reprint; with Nissim Otmazgin).


2015: Reproducing self and the other: The role of cross-cultural management discourse and training in shaping Israeli-Korean collaborations. In Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management. Edited by N. Holden, S. Michailova and S. Tietze. London: Routledge, pp. 399-408 (with Michal Frenkel and Gili S. Drori).


2015: Consuming the Other: Israeli Hallyu Case Study. In Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media. Edited by Sangjoon Lee and Marcus Nornes. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp. 212-228 (with Alon Levkowitz).




2023: A tale of two cities: Revisiting compressed modernity(ies) and their logic(s). Essay for the Special Book Symposium on Chang Kyung-Sup’s The Logic of Compressed Modernity (2022), Korea Europe Review.

2022: Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture, edited by Dal Yong Jin, Kyong Yoon, and Wonjung Min.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. 188 pp. Pacific Affairs, 95(2), 371–373.


2018: The Evolution of Tiger Management: Korean Companies in Global Competition, by M. Hemmert (2018). Journal of International Management, 24(3), 301-302.


2023: Report “The representation of Korea in the Israeli Textbooks" for the Korean Embassy in Israel (together with Noa Niv and Lea Rabinovitch).


2021: Hallyu as a journey. In Pourquoi la Corée? Edited by Ophélie Surcouf. Paris: L'atelier des Cahiers, pp. 93-109. (in French: Voyager: Sur la route de soi).

2020: Report “Korea’s public image in Israel” for the Korean Embassy in Israel.

2020: Academic editor: Korea in the World. The Academy of Korean Studies promotional booklet, 2017 (in Hebrew).


2017: Academic editor: Report “Innovation in Israel and Korea” by the Israeli Innovation Authority, 2017 (in Hebrew).



Sociological Forum   Asian Journal of Social Science    Israeli Sociology    Culture and Empathy 

              Management International Review    International Journal of Communication   

Asian Women    Kritika Kultura   Journal of Consumer Culture

S/N Korean Humanities   Culture and Organization   

Contemporary Japan  Southeast Asian Studies

 Korean Social Science Journal Cogent Business & Management

Global Media and Communication

Korea Journal 

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Korea Europe Review


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